Monday, March 19, 2007

In the Beginning

I'm so glad you're here.
Well. I'm pretty sure I'm glad...because you wouldn't be here at my blog if I didn't know already that you absolutely adore me. I'm fairly insecure and needs lots of reassurance, so having a blog is the perfect way to a) massage my tender ego; or b) determine that in fact I am as stinky as used kitty litter. Purging my soul on the Internet is kind of scary because I vacillate between fearing total rejection and worrying about the "star pressure" that will be thrust upon me when millions of people (okay, women) flock to my blog because I "get it." No, seriously. That's the other scary thing about having a blog: I'm being HONEST.

Which brings me to my next point. You know that feeling you get when you are so sick that you have to shit and puke at the same time but you don't know what to aim where? That's the feeling I get trying to start this. I've spent hours mulling this over in my head, what I should write in my introduction. I thought I should be really profound or witty. And the pressure really increased when my sister recenlty began her blog. She's GOOD. See her site: I can't remember the name of it for the life of me, but it's also on Blogger and her name is fruitfemme. In any case, it made me all the more concerned about setting the right tone for mine. But at this point I've decided to just write what flows and be thankful that my readers already love and adore me. (Thanks again to both of you, by the way.)

your chiquita

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